October 8, 2017

Struggling and Fighting

Here’s the thing – we all struggle. 
But my struggles are not yours and your struggles are not mine.

But somehow when we share our struggles with each other – 
no matter how different they may be – it helps us keep going.

Some of you may know that a thorn in my flesh and constant struggle in my life has been my anxiety. Not the kind that shows up every once in a while, but the kind that is always there just in varying degrees.

With one exception – the nine months I was pregnant.

My pregnancy was a struggle and basically nine months of survival mode made possible by my incredible husband and modern medicine. But my anxiety didn’t rear its head. It seemed to me a tender mercy from Heavenly Father who knew how much I was already going through.

But now my little girl is here, and my anxiety is back.

And here’s the thing – because it wasn’t really there for nine months, I fell out of practice in managing it. And now I feel like I’m back at square one trying to learn it all over again. And as hard and as overwhelming as that feels – I know I have to. Because it’s fighting for my life, my marriage, my family.

Chances are, you’re fighting for something too. 
And that’s ok. We’ll make it.

That’s why it’s time I start sharing again. 
Because even if my thoughts and struggles are meant mainly for me, 
who knows, they might help someone else too. 
We’ll learn and grow and struggle and succeed together.