December 2, 2017


Sometimes we get frustrated with ourselves
for not being the person we want to be.

We want to be our best and we expect that of ourselves now
instead of letting it happen over time. 

Yes, we need to set goals and daily improve I'm not discounting that.

But I'm saying maybe we need to focus a little more positively on the process of becoming that person. On the process of creating who we want to be. 

Creating involves trial and error and mistakes and mishaps, but ultimately is headed in the right direction, on the goal you have in mind. 

We need to value the process. 

A class I took last month encouraged us to write our own mission statement. 
I chose to focus mine on valuing our creating and becoming. 


Master yourself. Become your own creator.

Create presence.  Be grounded. Enjoy the now. Appreciate the moment without trying to perfect it. Recognize simple beauties. Don’t get caught in to-do lists.

Create authenticity. Embrace vulnerability and imperfection. Lean into discomfort. Let things be. Remember, striving for perfection is okay; expecting it is not.

Create self-compassion. Recognize all emotions are worthwhile, both the positive and the negative. Say no. Assert yourself. Embrace your imperfections. Forgive yourself. Move on. Move forward.

Create connection. Be real with others. Let them be real with you. Show up and let yourself be seen. Share what you have learned, what you are experiencing. Become stronger together.

Create an eternal family. Serve in small ways. Be intentional. Be prayerful. Rely on the Lord to know His will. Be adventurous. Create memories together. Laugh. Enjoy life.

 Always remember that you are consistently becoming a better you. 


You are becoming the person you want. 
You are creating. 

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