April 23, 2017

Dear Little Miss (a candid letter from 25 weeks),

I haven’t blogged, journaled, or documented your pregnancy the way I would have liked to. I was scared of sounding too sick and miserable and negative all the time. But today I wanted to write you a letter about our first 25 weeks together.

We were so excited to find out you were coming. I wish you could have seen the look on your dad’s face. It was a blessing and a miracle and the start of an adventure.

It was a little rough going at the start. At first I was just extremely tired and had to keep snacking too keep from getting too nauseous. But then at week 9 something switched and I couldn’t stop throwing up. Dad got really worried about us. A trip to the ER, several tries at medications, and finally we were able to start somewhat functioning again. Around week 20 I finally started feeling more like myself again.

This last week is when everyone started noticing you and commenting on you. Now we’re entering the large and uncomfortable stage. I don’t know how you’re feeling in there, but I’m bracing myself for a long, hot, uncomfortable summer. It’s been really hard to watch myself grow bigger and bigger. To not fit in clothes anymore and just eat all the time. But dad is patient and loving, and keeps reminding me why I’m going through this. For you.

You sure love to wiggle, little miss. I started feeling you around 15 weeks and you just keep going. Sometimes it’s cute and endearing and sometimes it’s a straight bladder or rib shot. Still cute, but more painful. One night when I was trying to fall asleep, you were just wiggling away, and dad decided to be DJ and try to figure out what kind of music you liked. You must have liked it, because you were wiggling in rhythm with all the songs he tried.

Yesterday we finally got furniture for your nursery! We’ve still got to put it all together and get a lot more set before you arrive but we’re excited for you to see it!

We sure do love you, little miss. Last night while dad was saying our evening prayers, I was just overwhelmed with gratitude. Gratitude for you and the joy and light you’ve already brought to into our lives. Gratitude that you get to be in our home. Gratitude for your father who will watch over and protect you always. Gratitude for the plan our Heavenly Father has that centers entirely on families. Gratitude for our little family. God gave us families, to help us become what he wants us to be.

We’ve still got 15 weeks together, and though I might move slow, I’ve got a feeling the time will fly. You’ll be here before we know it.

Until then, keep wiggling, and know that we love you dearly.

Always, your mother. 

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