July 23, 2016

Words I'm Trying To Live By

Sometimes I write things down for my future self. 
Several years ago I wrote an Emily manifesto - 
the principles and values that I wanted to live by.

The other night I read it again.
It still rang just as true.

Since I'm sure you, in your own way, struggle like me,
I thought I'd share my manifesto with you.
For the times when the tears come, the frustration rises, 
the anxiety increases, or when you're just feeling down, 
this is my reminder for me and for you.

The Emily Manifesto

Above all else, I want you to find reason to smile for today. 
Be present in the moment. Enjoy the now. 
Find ways to find joy everyday even if it’s in small things. 
Enjoy the sunshine. Recognize simple beauties. 
Don’t get caught up in the to-do lists and upcoming schedule. 
Make time for being in the now.

On days when it’s harder to see the sun shining, 
I want you to remember that it still is shining. 
It will always shine for you.

I want you to practice appreciating the moment without trying to perfect it. 
Embrace vulnerability. Embrace imperfection. Lean into discomfort.
 Let things be. It will all work out. 
Always remember, striving for perfection is okay, expecting it of you or of others is not.

Practice self-compassion. 
Recognize that all emotions are worthwhile. 
Don’t downplay the negative, for without it you would not appreciate the positive. 
Embrace your own imperfections. Forgive yourself. Move on. Move forward.

Practice compassion towards others. 
Everyone is fighting their own battle, similar to yours. 
Grant them the compassion and understanding you would want from them.

Say no. 
Say it without feeling guilty. 
Say it without giving an explanation. 
You are allowed time for yourself. 
You need time for yourself. 
You don’t owe others justification for your decisions. 
Be an assertive you.

Show up and let yourself be seen. 
Be real with others. Let them be real with you. 
Allow yourself to make connections and friendships.
Laugh. Enjoy life. 
Remember that you are of infinite worth. 
Always remember that you are slowly becoming a better you. 
Love you. 

1 comment:

  1. I Love YOU too Em! Wonderful words to live by! (Thanks for reminding me!)
