January 10, 2016

Of Vulnerability

As I began my journey of discovery, I started rereading one of my favorite books:
Daring Greatly by Brene Brown.
I highly recommend it to anyone and everyone. 
If you know me, I've probably already told you about this book. 
If you aren't a reader, watch her TED talk "The Power of Vulnerability" 
and you'll want to read the book. 

Brene Brown talks about having the courage to show up and be seen for who we truly are - imperfect and flawed.  How vulnerability is not weakness, but the most accurate measure of courage. She reminds us the victory comes not in perfection or completion, but for showing up exactly as we are, for daring greatly enough to try. 

Her words caused me to think this week about the nature of discovery, primarily the question:

Why is discovery hard?

Discovery is all about vulnerability.
It's saying I don't know, let's find out, I'll try something new. 
Discovery is embracing a world of uncertainty.
If we stay where we are comfortable and never allow ourselves to take changes, 
we lose the opportunity to discover. 

Only when we fasten our seat belt of vulnerability and grip the steering wheel of uncertainty 
can we then enter the adventure of discovery.  


Things I discovered this week:

- God know me intimately and personally - even my thoughts moment to moment and provides tender mercies and reminders of His love precisely when I need them
- I can go to group social activities and miraculously not just make it out alive, but have fun - who knew?
- Parenting is a natural love for me
- I can manage the chaos of single-parenting 6 kids under the age of 8 including taking them to McDonald's play place for dinner
- I have no problem keeping a household running 
- I have a tendency to focus on keeping the household running over expressing love to those I am caring for. I need to be intentional about making sure my love is known 
- Hot chocolate is a wonderful de-stressor at the end of the day (I never tire of discovering this one) 
- Living in Nevada is a very wonderful thing for me and my love of light and warmth 
- I am imperfect and I have weakness, but that is okay because I am trying

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